Meeting at IEEE ICC 2018, Kansas City, USA

Date and Time: Monday, May 21 – 09:00 – 11:00
Venue: Westin Kansas City at Crown Center
Room: Mission (Ballroom Leve)


  1. Welcome and introduction
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of the agenda
  4. Approval of the Globecom 2017 (December 2017) TCCN meeting minutes
  5. Reports on Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
    1. SIG on Cognitive Network Security SIG by Prof. K.P. (Suba),  Subbalakshmi, Stevens Institute of Technology (Download slides)
    2. SIG on Data-driven Cognitive Networks by Li-Chun Wang, National Chiao University (Download slides)
    3. SIG on AI Embedded Cognitive Networks, by Kai Yang, Tongji University (Download slides)
    4. SIG on Social Behaviour Driven Cognitive Radio Networks, by Li Wang, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (Download slides)
    5. SIG on Cognitive Communications and Networking in Cyber-Physical Systems, by Xiangwei Zhou, Louisiana State University, USA (Download slides)
    6. SIG on Energy-harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks, by Daniel Benevides da Costa, Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil (Download slides)
    7. SIG on Cognitive Radio for 5G by Dr. Markus Mueck, Intel Deutschland GmbH (Download slides)
  6. Reports on standards activities
    1. COM/SDB, DySPAN-SC/1900 standards and IEEE 802.22 activities by Oliver Holland, King’s College London (Download DySPAN slides) (Download COM/SDB slides) (Download IEEE 802.22 slides)
  7. Reports on conferences
    1. Globecom 2018 Cognitive Radio and Wireless Networks Symposium by Octavia A. Dobre, Memorial University, Canada, C. Faouzi Bader, CentraleSupélec, France or Zhiyong Feng, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, China (Download slides)
  8. Reports on publications
    1. Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networks by Prof. Michele Zorzi, University of Padova (Download slides)
    2. TCCN Newsletter by Dr. Walid Saad, Virginia Tech (Download slides)
  9. Administrative matters
    1. Report on website by Vijay Rao, TUDelft (Download slides)
    2. LinkedIn and Facebook by Zhijin Qin, Imperial College London (Download slides)
  10. Next TCCN Meeting
  11. Any other business

Minutes of the Meeting

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