Title: Holographic Radio: A New Paradigm for Ultra-Massive MIMO

Time and Date: July 22, 2022, at 9:00AM ET

Presenter:  Professor  Lingyang Song, Peking University, China

Venue: https://zoom.us/j/9172542706 (Password: 4Zn7xZ)

Abstract: To enable a ubiquitous intelligent information network, the forthcoming sixth generation (6G) wireless communications are expected to provide revolutionary mobile connectivity and high-throughput data services through ultra-massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO). Widely-utilized phased arrays relying on costly components make the implementation of ultra-massive MIMO in practice become prohibitive from both cost and power consumption perspectives. The recent developed reconfigurable holographic surfaces (RHSs) composing of densely packing sub-wavelength metamaterial elements can achieve holographic beamforming without costly hardware components. By leveraging the holographic principle, the RHS serves as an ultra-thin and lightweight surface antenna integrated with the transceiver, thereby providing a promising alternative to phased arrays. In this talk, we will first provide a basic introduction of RHSs. We then introduce the unique features of RHSs which enables ultra-massive MIMO for both communication and sensing, in a comprehensive way. Related design, analysis, optimization, and signal processing techniques will be presented along with typical RHS-based applications for wireless communications. The implementation issues along with our developed prototypes and experiments will also be discussed.

Bio: Lingyang Song (S’03-M’06-SM’12-F’19) received his PhD from the University of York, UK, in 2007, where he received the K. M. Stott Prize for excellent research. He worked as a research fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway until rejoining Philips Research UK in March 2008. In May 2009, he joined the School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, and is now a Boya Distinguished Professor. His main research interests include wireless communications, mobile computing, and machine learning. Dr. Song is the co-author of many awards, including IEEE Leonard G. Abraham Prize in 2016, IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE ICC 2015, IEEE Globecom 2014, and the best demo award in the ACM Mobihoc 2015. He received National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2017, First Prize in Nature Science Award of Ministry of Education of China in 2017. Dr. Song has served as a IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (2015-2018), an Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2019-), Co-chair of IEEE Communications Society Asia Pacific Board Technical Affairs Committee (2020-). He is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher.