Title: Adversarial Machine Learning for Wireless Security in 5G and Beyond

Date and Time: March 26, 2021 at 10AM ET

Registration Process: Please register using the following link. You will receive a link in your email to attend the talk online.


Abstract: Machine learning provides powerful means to learn from the dynamic spectrum environment and solve complex tasks for wireless communications. Supported by recent advances in algorithmic and computational capabilities, deep learning has emerged as a viable solution to efficiently utilize the limited spectrum resources and optimize wireless communications, with 5G and beyond enhancements to meet the ever-growing demands for high-rate and low-latency communications. As deep learning is becoming a key component in emerging wireless technologies, a new security threat arises due to adversarial machine learning that exploits the vulnerabilities of deep learning to adversarial manipulations. Adversarial machine learning has been applied to different data domains ranging from computer vision to natural language processing. By considering the unique characteristics of the wireless medium, this talk will present adversarial machine learning as a new attack surface for the next-generation communication systems. Novel attack and defense mechanisms built upon adversarial machine learning will be described with examples from signal classification, dynamic spectrum access, and 5G and beyond applications related to spectrum co-existence, user authentication, covert communications, and network slicing. Research challenges and directions will be discussed for effective and safe adoption of much-needed machine learning techniques in the emerging wireless technologies.

Bio: Dr. Yalin Sagduyu is the Director of Networks and Security Division at Intelligent Automation, Inc. (IAI). He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Maryland, College Park. At IAI, he directs a division of over 50 research scientists and engineers, and executes a broad portfolio of R&D projects on wireless communications, networks, security, machine learning, adversarial machine learning, and 5G and beyond. He has been a Visiting Research Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University of Maryland, College Park. He served as a Conference Track Chair at IEEE PIMRC, IEEE GlobalSIP and IEEE MILCOM, and in the organizing committee of IEEE GLOBECOM. He organized and chaired workshops at IEEE CNS, IEEE ICNP, ACM Mobicom, and ACM WiSec. He received the Best Paper Award at IEEE HST.

About the Monthly Virtual Seminar Series:

The IEEE TCCN Security Special Interest Group conducts a monthly virtual seminar series to highlight the challenges in securing the next generation (xG) wireless networks. The talks will feature cutting edge research addressing both technical and policy issues to advance the state-of-the-art in security techniques, architectures, and algorithms for wireless communications.