Digital Communications and Networks (DCN), fully open accessed by ScienceDirect and free of charge, is an English quarterly and indexed by SCIE(IF 2020 6.797, JCR Q1), Scopus (CiteScore 2020 12.6, Q1 ), and DOAJ. Rigorously peer-reviewed and high-quality original articles and authoritative reviews that focus on communication systems and networks will be published in DCN.

Special areas of interest include but are not limited to: AI-Driven Communications and Networks, Big Data Networking and Applications, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies, Cellular Communications and Networks, Coding and Information Theory, Consumer Communications and Networking, Communications and Networking Standards, Cyber-Physical Systems, Edge, Fog and Cloud Computing and Networks, Future Internet Architecture, Protocols and Applications, Green Communications, Industrial Internet and Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Intelligent Communications and Networking Systems, Network, Service, and Applications Management, Optical Communications and Networking, Pervasive Computing and Networking, Quantum Computing, Communications and Information, Satellite Communications and Networking in the Space, Trust, Security and Privacy Protocols, Unified Communications, Computing, and Control, Vehicular Communications and Networks, Wireless Communications and Networking, Wireless Sensor Networks.

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