Meeting at ICC 2012, Ottawa

Date: Tuesday , June 12th, 2012
Time: 18:00 – 19:30
Location: Westin Hotel, Ottawa

Approved agenda:

1. Welcome & Introduction
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Approval of TCCN Meeting Minutes (Globecom2011@Houston)
4. Announcement on the selection of the IEEE TCCN Publication Award
5. Discussion and approval on the TCCN P&P (Polices and Procedures)
6. Reports on Conferences (ICC2012, Globecom2012, ICC’2013, DySPAN2012, etc.)
7. Reports on Publications (JSAC series issue, European Transactions on Telecommunication ETT special issue, etc.)
8. Reports on Standard Activities (IEEE 802.22/16, IEEE DySPAN, TVWS, ITU-R, ETSI, ARIB, etc.)
9. Next TCCN Meeting
10. Other business
11. Adjourn

On 18:00, the TCCN meeting is opened by Honggang Zhang.

In the meeting, the attendants have clarified some issues related with the agenda and have approved the previous meeting minutes of Globecom 2011 (Houston, USA).

The selection results of the IEEE TCCN Publication Awards are announced (presented) by Honggang. Prof. Jon M. Peha and Prof. Vahid Tarokh have been selected as the TCCN Publication Awardees for the year of 2011 and 2012, respectively.

Then, there has been heavy discussions about the definition and roles to be included in the TCCN P&P (Polices and Procedures) on “Active Member”. The main discussion has been centered on whether an “Active Member” could be someone active in the mailing list but not participating in the TCCN TC meetings. It has been explained that “Active Member” means “actively” participating in the Technical Committee meetings and the official decisions during the meetings. “Active Members” will be eligible to be officers of the Cognitive Networks TC.


– Ask to the mailing list for some opinions.
– Announce to the mailing list that the decision will be taken in the next meeting, so they can participate and vote.
– Include the “Active Member” definition and benefits in the TCCN P&P and let the mailing list members make suggestions and improvements of the P&P.

One participating member asked what about DySPAN standardization. It does not depend on ComSoc since it is now a standard. TCCN will continue supporting DySPAN standardization activities.

On 19:30, the TCCN meeting is closed by Honggang Zhang. The next TCCN meeting will be held at the Globecom 2012 in Anaheim (USA).


TCCN Meeting Report Zhang

DySPAN SC Update for TCCN Oliver Holland

Attendance List