Virtual Seminar by Walid Saad
Title: Brainstorming Generative Adversarial Networks (BGANs): Framework and Application to Wireless Networks
Date and Time: October 22, 2021 at 10AM EDT
Registration Process: Please register at
Abstract: Due to major communication, privacy, and scalability challenges stemming from the emergence of large-scale Internet of Things services, machine learning is witnessing a major departure from traditional centralized cloud architectures toward a distributed machine learning (ML) paradigm where data is dispersed and processed across multiple edge devices. A prime example of this emerging distributed ML paradigm is Google’s renowned federated learning framework. Despite the tremendous recent interest in distributed ML, remarkably, prior work in the area remains largely focused on the development of distributed ML algorithms for inference and classification tasks. In contrast, in this talk, we introduce the novel framework of brainstorming generative adversarial networks (BGANs) that constitutes one of the first implementations of distributed, multi-agent generative GAN models that does not rely on a centralized parameter server. We show how BGAN allows multiple agents to gain information from one another, in a fully distributed manner, without sharing their real datasets but by “brainstorming” their generated data samples. We then demonstrate the higher accuracy and scalability of BGAN compared to the state of the art through extensive experiments. We then illustrate how BGAN can be used to address key problems in the field of wireless communications by analyzing a millimeter wave channel modeling problem for wireless networks that rely on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). We conclude this talk with an overview on the future outlook of the exciting area of distributed ML and its current and future applications in wireless systems.
Bio: Walid Saad (S’07, M’10, SM’15, F’19) received his Ph.D degree from the University of Oslo in 2010. He is currently a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, where he leads the Network sciEnce, Wireless, and Security (NEWS) laboratory. His research interests include wireless networks, machine learning, game theory, security, unmanned aerial vehicles, cyber-physical systems, and network science. Dr. Saad is a Fellow of the IEEE. He is also the recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2013 and of the Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in 2015. He was the author/co-author of ten conference best paper awards at WiOpt in 2009, ICIMP in 2010, IEEE WCNC in 2012, IEEE PIMRC in 2015, IEEE SmartGridComm in 2015, EuCNC in 2017, IEEE GLOBECOM in 2018, IFIP NTMS in 2019, IEEE ICC in 2020, and IEEE GLOBECOM in 2020. He is the recipient of the 2015 Fred W. Ellersick Prize from the IEEE Communications Society, of the 2017 IEEE ComSoc Best Young Professional in Academia award, of the 2018 IEEE ComSoc Radio Communications Committee Early Achievement Award, and of the 2019 IEEE ComSoc Communication Theory Technical Committee. He was also a co-author of the 2019 IEEE Communications Society Young Author Best Paper and of the 2021 IEEE Communications Society Young Author Best Paper. He currently serves as an editor for several major IEEE Transactions.
About the Monthly Virtual Seminar Series:
The IEEE TCCN Security Special Interest Group conducts a monthly virtual seminar series to highlight the challenges in securing the next generation (xG) wireless networks. The talks will feature cutting edge research addressing both technical and policy issues to advance the state-of-the-art in security techniques, architectures, and algorithms for wireless communications.