Virtual Seminar by Jelena Mišić
Title: Adapting PBFT for Use with Blockchain-enabled IoT Systems
Time and Date: October 15, 2021, at 9:00am EDT
Presenter: Professor Jelena Mišić, Ryerson University, Canada
Abstract: This work proposes Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) ordering service needed for block formation in permissioned blockchain environments. Contrary to current PBFT implementations that only provide a single point of entry to the ordering service, we allow each ordering node to act as an entry point that proposes and conducts the consensus process of including new record in the distributed ledger. To ensure atomicity of record insertion in distributed ledger, we have developed a bandwidth reservation protocol that uses a modification of CSMA/CA protocol to regulate access to the broadcast medium formed by the P2P network of TCP connections between orderers. We have modeled record insertion service time in a cluster where ordering nodes have random position within Cartesian coordinate system. We have also modeled total request access time to the ledger which includes waiting time in the ordererís queue and record insertion time. These models are used to evaluate system performance under variable request rate ordering service, variable number of nodes and variable physical cluster dimensions. We also address cluster interconnections which can increase coverage and capacity of PBFT system.
Bio: Jelena Mišić is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Ryerson University, Canada. She received her PhD in Computer Engineering from University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 1993. She is an internationally recognized expert in the area of IoT, blockchain, wireless networking and network security, where she has authored or co-authored four books, 150+ journal papers, 24 book chapters, and 210+ conference papers. She has chaired more than a dozen major international events and guest-edited more than a dozen special issues of various journals. She serves on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Network, and Ad Hoc Networks journal (published by Elsevier). She is IEEE Fellow, ACM member and serves as IEEE VTS distinguished lecturer.