Meeting at IEEE ICC 2023 [Online]

Date and Time: Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023 09:00 AM EDT (US and Canada)
Venue: Zoom (online video conferencing platform) [recording (pwd: j4jJJs.f)]


  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. Attendance Register
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the GLOBECOM 2022 (Nov. 2022) TCCN meeting minutes
  5. Reports from the Chair, Shiwen Mao (Auburn University, USA) (Download Slides)
  6. Reports on TCCN Nominations, by Shiwen Mao(Auburn University, USA)
  7. Reports on TCCN Awards and Subcommittee, by Lingyang Song (Peking University, China)
  8. Reports on TCCN Webinars and Journal Collaborations, by Shiwen Mao
  9. Reports on Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
    1. SIG on Sensing, Communications, Caching, and Computing (C^3) in Cognitive Networks, by Yongpeng Wu (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China) (Download Slides)
    2. SIG on AI and Machine Learning in Security, by K.P. (Suba) Subbalakshmi (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA) (Download Slides)
    3. SIG on AI Empowered Internet of Vehicles, by Ning Lu (Queen’s University, Canada) (Download Slides)
    4. SIG on Wireless Blockchain Networks, by Jiawen Kang (Guangdong University of Technology, China) (Download Slides)
  10. Reports on conferences (Download Slides)
    1. ICC 2023 Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks Symposium, by Lei Zhang (University of Glasgow, UK)
    2. GLOBECOM 2023 Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks Symposium, by Hongliang Zhang (Peking University, China)
    3. Nominations for ICC 2024, GLOBECOM 2024, and ICC 2025
  11. Reports on publications
    1. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, by Shiwen Mao (Download Slides)
  12. TCCN Publicity
    1. Report on website, by Hongliang Zhang (Download Slides)
  13. TC Restructure Report, by Shiwen Mao (Download Slides)
  14. TC Innovation Project, by Shiwen Mao
  15. TC Campaign Video Project, by Shiwen Mao
  16. Next TCCN Meeting, by Shiwen Mao
  17. Any other business, all

Minutes of the Meeting

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