Meeting at IEEE ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Date and Time: Wednesday May 25 – 15:30 – 16:30
Venue: Mandarin Hotel
Room: Quartz Room


  1. Welcome and Introduction (Download presentation)
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Globecom 2015 (December 2015) TCCN meeting minutes
  5. Administrative matters
    1. Report on website (Vijay Rao/VP) (Download presentation)
  6. Reports on Special Interest Groups
    1. Report on Cognitive Network Security SIG (K. P. (Suba) Subbalakshmi)(Download presentation)
    2. Report on SIG on Cognitive Radio for 5G (Markus Mueck)(Download presentation)
  7. Reports on standard activities
    1. Update on IEEE DySPAN-SC/1900 activities (Oliver Holland)(Download presentation)
    2. Update on IEEE 802.22 activities (Apurva Mody)(Download presentation)
  8. Reports on conferences
    1. Globecom 2016 Cognitive Radio and Wireless Networks Symposium (Lingyang Song)
    2. IEEE DySPAN 2017 (tentative)
  9. Reports on publications
    1. Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networks (Michele Zorzi—to be presented immediately after the “Administrative matters” at the start of the meeting, due to scheduling challenges of presenter) (Download presentation)
    2. TCCN Newsletter (Jianwei Huang—to be presented immediately after the “Administrative matters” at the start of the meeting, due to scheduling challenges of presenter) (Download presentation)
  10. Next TCCN Meeting
  11. Any other business

Minutes of the Meeting

Download Minutes of the Meeting