Meeting at IEEE Globecom 2023 [Hybrid]

Date and Time: 6:00-9:00 PM, Tuesday Dec. 5th, 2023 (local time)

Venue: Poolside Residence 302 of the Grant Hyatt, Kuala Lumper, Malaysia [in person] & Zoom 


  1. Welcome
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Invited Talks
    1. Distributionally Robust Optimization and Its Applications in Communication and Networking, by Zhu Han, University of Houston, USA (Download slides)
    2. Reconfigurable Holographic Surfaces: A New Paradigm to Ultra-Massive MIMO for 6G, by Lingyang Song, Peking University, China (Download slides)
  5. Approval of the ICC 2023 (May 2023) TCCN meeting minutes
  6. Introduction and Report from the Chair (Download slides)
  7. TCCN Recognition/Publication Awards
  8. TCCN Webinars and Journal Collaboration
  9. TCCN Standardization Activities
  10. Reports on Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
    1. SIG on AI and Machine Learning in Security (Download slides)
    2. SIG on Sensing, Communications, Caching, and Computing (C^3) in Cognitive Networks (Download slides)
    3. SIG on AI Empowered Internet of Vehicles (Download slides)
    4. SIG on Wireless Blockchain Networks (Download slides)
  11. Reports on Publications (Download slides)
  12. Reports on Conferences (Download slides)
  13. TCCN Publicity 
  14. Next TCCN Meeting
  15. Open Discussions

Minutes of the Meeting

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